Saturday 16 August 2014

Christianity and the Saints create ongoing examples of themes of sacrifice and love of God and neighbour . Many movies portray these actions and virtues . Many movies can also be viewed on Utube
but discussion with others is missing when we view movies alone. So feel free to contact me for movies, prayer groups and bible studies . call Natalie 647-210-2150

Do you see the 10 commandments or other Church teachings in these writings of this Saint.

St Bernard of Clairvaux in his writings of on Loving God states;

But if you are reduced to want by such benevolence, what then? What indeed, except to pray with all confidence unto him who gives to all men liberally and upbraids not (James 1:5), who opens His hand and fills all things living with plenteousness (Psalm 145:16). For doubtless he who gives to most men more than they need will not fail you as to the necessaries of life, even as he has promised: "Seek the Kingdom of God, and all those things shall be added unto you" (Luke 12:31).
God freely promises all things needful to those who deny themselves for love of their neighbors; and to bear the yoke of modesty and sobriety, rather than to let sin reign in our mortal body (Romans 6:12), that is indeed to seek the Kingdom of God and to implore His aid against the tyranny of sin.
It is surely justice to share our natural gifts with those who share our nature.
But if we are to love our neighbors as we ought, we must have regard to God also: for it is only in God that we can pay that debt of love aright. Now a man cannot love his neighbor in God, except he love God himself; wherefore we must love God first, in order to love our neighbors in him.
This too, like all good things, is the Lord's doing, that we should love him, for he has endowed us with the possibility of love. He who created nature sustains it; nature is so constituted that its Maker is its protector forever. Rescued by God's hand, it should glorify him, as it is written, "Call upon Me in the time of trouble; so will I hear thee, and you shall praise Me" (Psalm 50:15).
In such wise man, animal and carnal by nature, and loving only himself, begins to love God by reason of that very self-love; since he learns that in God he can accomplish all things that are good, and that without God he can do nothing.

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